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Reawaken your





One of the reasons couples get stuck in perpetual conflict is simply a lack of education and training. We are more than willing to train for marathons, or seek education to further our careers, or go to a financial advisor to guide us in our investments.  But we go into marriage with virtually no training or tools to have available when the inevitable conflict comes.


Join us for 20 hours of training that will reawaken your passion for each other and equip you to take on any conflict. Reserve your spot now!  There is room for only 20 couples.


When: TBA


Where: TBA


Cost: $795 per couple (less than half the cost of 20 hours of marriage therapy!)

Includes: Breakfast, materials, snacks


In this class you will learn to: 

Deepen your knowledge of one another

Build friendship and trust

Recognize and respond to bids for emotional connection

Be open to influence

Understand and work with both solvable and difficult problems

Get through gridlocked conflict

Create a special “Story of Us”

Maintain your relationship


More info about The Seven Principles: The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work is the culmination of four decades of the research of Dr. John Gottman, made widely available for couples like you, who long for better relationships. Congratulate yourself for taking time to begin or continue your journey of deep and loving partnership. 



"Be sure to check out my Facebook page to read testimonials and watch the latest videos from our recent conferences!"

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